Terms and Conditions

I would like to apply for membership of SRAI. I confirm that I accept the following terms:

  1. I declare that I am the author or owner or legal heir (of the writer/author or producer/owner) of the underlying literary works in film/s released in a a cinema hall, serials on TV, or shows streamed on a subscriber-based OTT platform, with my or my assignor’s name clearly mentioned as Author/Writer or Producer/Owner in the credit titles. (If the credit is missing from the titles, then I have submitted an affidavit as proof of authorship or ownership of the respective works.)
  2. I understand that SRAI has just initiated its operations, and hence it may take some time for all the necessary permissions to be in place.
  3. I understand that by acquiring membership of SRAI I shall not immediately begin receiving my due statutory royalties. I accept that this may take its due time, as is the case with all new copyright societies, and that shall wait for SRAI to officially announce once the collection and distribution of royalties commence.
  4. ⁠I also understand that royalties will be collected by SRAI on a prospective basis, and that for royalties due from June 2012, SRAI will be negotiating the amounts with users.
  5. I understand that this membership is strictly non-transferable and non-refundable.
  6. ⁠By submitting the membership application form, I confirm that I have understood and accepted all the terms and conditions.

For any queries contact:
Phone: 9152343492
Email: office@sraindia.org

Registration Fee Structure
Membership Type Admission Charges Total Amount GST Charges (18%) Payable Amount
Author/Scriptwriter Rs.5000 Rs.5000 Rs.900 Rs.5900
Owner/Producer Rs.10000 Rs.10000 Rs.1800 Rs.11800
Personal Details
Contact Detail

Company Details

Company Contact Details

Agent Information

Please select Yes if represented by an agent, and provide detail of the agent below if not please select No and leave the next question blank.

Payment Detail

Other Detail
Good & Service Tax Status

Are you a member of any of the following organization

Screenwriters Association, Mumbai
South Indian Writers Association, Chennai
Telugu Cine Writers Association, Hyderabad
FEFKA Writers Union, Ernakulam
Communication from SRAI

SRAI would like to communicate various important updates to its members via email to the email address provided by you. We will also send you an invitation to our Annual General Meeting by email.

Company Payment details

Other Detail
Good & Service Tax Status

Are you a member of any producers association / organization.
Communication from SRAI

SRAI would like to communicate various important updates to its members via email to the email address provided by you. We will also send you an invitation to our Annual General Meeting by email.
